‘Trails of Light’ series (2014-ongoing)

I’d rather experiment, fail, and learn than do the same thing over and over. This series is a non-cohesive largely experimental collection of images I've photographed using the moonlight or sunlight to illuminate the scene during extremely long single exposures ranging from 10 seconds to 10 hours using digital and film. It’s about photographically capturing the moment (singular), no matter how long that moment is….

‘Back roads of americana’ | project (2017-2020) - selected works

Recently featured in the February 2021 edition of Medium Format Magazine, this project documented a visual anti-aesthetic that portrays an uncompromising, unromantic, unglorified view of the man-altered American desert landscape. I can’t deny in some ways it was an intentional rebellion against modern landscape photography and its incessant social media motivated, validation seeking pretty picture mentality. A landscape photograph can also be meaningful, thought provoking, and not all about you.


‘Nobody's Home' | Australian Series (2020- ongoing)

Again, like much of my recent work, I’m interested in photographing humble abandoned or disused structures in a simple way that highlights form and interaction with the locality. Almost a “Back Roads of Americana” mentality with an Australian subject matter. As with that series, this one was also a rebellion against the Instagram aesthetic and mentality, often with a complete disregard to the “rules”of photography, or the desperate search for “good light”. Good subject is the most important priority here. This series on Australian architecture will only expand into something bigger and better over time as COVID disappears and interstate travel opens up. As usual I won’t be using complicated captions to explain things so maybe take the time to look deeper into the photograph and interpret them in your own way.